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We build web stores that sell. A website out of the box is not enough to make a difference. It needs creativity plus experience and must stand out from the rest. What's your edge?
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Common questions asked by
our web store customers.

Web Marketing

Why should you build a mobile site or app instead of just resizing your desktop site for a smaller screen?

Desktop sites typically don’t load quickly on mobile devices. Web technology now allows us to build websites that are as effective as dedicated mobile apps using progressive web apps.

How can Search Engine Optimisation work on our site?

SEO is very similar to wealth building. If you do the wrong things and listen to the wrong people, you might lose everything and you might be left with nothing. This is a lesson that many people learned after Google’s Penguin update.
If you are young and invest your first dollars then you won’t become a millionaire overnight. It takes some time to build your wealth and if you invest regularly, you will earn more than people who invest only once. If you invest too little, you won’t get the same results as people who are serious about building wealth.
SEO works exactly like that. If your website is young, then it will have only a few rankings. We have to optimise the pages and the backlinks of your website and it has to be done regularly. The more time we invest in optimising your site, the sooner you will get results.
Getting your website on Google’s first result page requires work and is possible when we do the right things in the right order. We will use SEO methods that are approved by search engines to make sure that your website gets lasting results.

How can I see who is coming to my website and what pages are being accessed?
To start collecting basic data from a website or mobile app: Create a new Analytics account if you do not have one. Visit google.com/analytics, click the Sign in to Analytics button (top right), and follow the on-screen instructions. Set up a property in the account you have created.
You may require a web developer to install the code with your specific ID.
How do I log in to view my web site reports (Google analytics)?
Log-in to Google Analytics at www.google.com/analytics, and enter in your E-mail address and the password that you use to access your Gmail account.
Alternatively you can go to the Google homepage and click on the “Sign in” link on the upper-right of the screen then click the above link.
Can we add a checkbox on the Account Registration asking if they wish to subscribe to a newsletter and specials promotions?
This is a great idea for on-going marketing.
A new checkbox can be added to the checkout step e.g. subscribe to newsletter.
You can download the customers as a file for database marketing or it can be integrated with a CRM such as Mailchimp.

Content Management

When an order is placed, how do I get notified of the order and the details?
The order is sent to your nominated email address. e.g. sales@yourdomain.com.au
Email accounts can be setup to a copy to a different email address.
The order is also recorded online which you can access through the web site admin.
How will I be able to access the information that is registered on my website?

When we build websites with content management systems such as Joomla, Word Press, Magento or Shopify, we can provide you with documentation.

How do I get onto WordPress and will I need a userid and password?

You will be given a link with username and password to login. Depending on the level of access required, you can make changes to content and/or menus.

How to we create a custom tax invoice with our logo on Magento?
System > Transactional Emails > Add Template
– Select “New Invoice”
– Load Template
– Edit as desired
– Do the same for guest invoice template as well (if appropriate).
System > Configuration > Sales Emails
– Set the templates you’ve just created as the templates to use for these emails.
We need to look at installing a sync between Magento and Xero Accounting. Onesaas has been a suggested app on the basic package. Do you know any others or could recommend other?
It depends on the data that you require to sync. e.g. Import your orders with this extension
How do I write content for my site?

Not all of us are wordsmiths but we would like to be craftier with the pen.

The content that a search engine like Google prefers to index has to be unique. This means it should have a natural flow, the words that you use in every day life is what makes you unique. In terms of business, this is one reason why your clients deal with you. They can relate and understand the things you talk about when promoting your product or service.

Getting creative requires time and a clear head. There are lot’s of techniques to help get in this space, such as :

  • find a place away from the stress of business operations.
  • adjust your schedule. Get thinking when your chilling or out of the normal routine.
  • pictures tell a thousand words. Think in pictures. Visualise your customers problem and how you help solve it.
  • identify resources within your own business. Staff or past correspondence can offer prepared content.
  • do something completely different that engages the other side of the brain. Learn to play an instrument. Doodle on some paper.

Here is an article that provides 10 useful steps to writing effective content.

What’s involved with embedding YouTube clips into our web pages?

Embedding video should be easy in most web content management programs but it’s always best to check with your developer. There may be a setting required to allow you to embed video such as YouTube. Here’s a process used for Joomla. To embed a YouTube video on a Joomla! page, you first need to get the iframe embed code. Under the video you want to embed, click on Share, then on Embed and copy the code.

Then go and edit the Joomla! article where you  want the video to appear. In the editor, click on the Source Code icon. In the source code box that pops up, paste the video embed code where you want the video to appear.

Finally, click Ok, then Save your changes and your video should now be displayed on your page! Please let us know if you have any issues with these instructions.

How do we supply content?

Preparing web page content can be done in a word document. We use the cloud to collate the information, such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Here are some tips on how to set up the doc.

  • Divide your business into key sections, these will be represented on your web page by buttons.
  • Sections may be subdivided. However, please keep the hierarchy to a minimum. Good web site control is in the users hands when they can locate information quickly rather than finding it buried several layers down.
  • Use font sizes if necessary. 14 point for main headings and highlighting key points. 12 point for other text – subheadings, paragraphs and bullet point text.
  • Highlight words or phrases with bold (No underline or italic).
  • Lists and keypoints can be numbered or bullet pointed.
  • Indents should only be used for bullet point lists or key paragraphs. Please contact us if you need to use more than one indentation.
  • Use tabs to layout text only if it is in the form of a table. For other uses enquire with us.
  • Do not set pages in columns and do not use page layout software.
  • Paragraphs must be single line spacing (no extra leading).
  • Line or paragraph returns (feeds) must be single returns.
  • Use double return only if commencing a new topic.
  • Images can also be uploaded to the cloud folders. High resolution files are preferable. We accept JPEG, TIFF or PNG.
  • Include contact names, phone numbers and email addresses where ever possible. It is important to consider who becomes the contact so that your business can allocate the resources to handle the new enquiries.
Can you give us some ideas or examples on how to write the content?

What are the objectives of having your website? Define its purpose.
Describe your ideal customer profile. This will help us design graphics and the flow of information around your web site.
What market research have you conducted in your business? What information is important or relevant to the customer?
Do you have information / graphics available on computer disk? Documents, word processing files, graphics, brochures etc.
What other information do you have available? Please supply any other printed materials: e.g. logos, photos, brochures, bromides, addresses, contact details.
Why would customers want to do business with you. List the benefits / features / competitive advantages.
Use the flow chart / mind map to lay out ideas and the structure of your business. What areas would you like to expand on in the future?
Make a list of 20 – 30 keywords / phrases that best describe your product / service / company. Think in the mind of the customer. How would they describe your business.

If you need to make changes to your web site what is the best way to convey this information?
You can send us further changes in a word doc.
Make screen shots where ever possible and include web page links.
MS word has a great feature called Track changes.
If you are making content alts, you can use this feature as follows:
– Copy and paste the web text into word doc.
– Enable Track changes
– Make changes then Save doc

eCommerce Platforms

How do I add a staff user to my Shopify account?

Account owners can create individual accounts for other staff members to log in to the Shopify admin.
After creating a staff account, you should set permissions to control access to admin areas for each each staff member.

As the account owner , you can create a new staff account by sending an invitation to a staff member.

To add a new staff account:

  1. Log in as the account owner.
  2. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, then click Account.
  3. In the Staff accounts section, click Add staff account:
    Click add staff member
  4. Enter a first name, a last name, and an email address for the new staff member:
    Add staff member form
    NoteThe staff member will automatically have full access to your admin. You can uncheck the This staff account will have full permissions checkbox to restrict this staff member’s permissions for accessing areas of the admin.Click Send invite when you’re done.
  5. An email invitation to create an account will be sent to the new staff member.

Check here for more information

Social Media

How do I connect a YouTube account to Google+?
The gmail address of the Google+ profile is the key to access to the YouTube account.
To connect the YouTube channel, you will need to add the Google account associated with your channel as a manager of the page.
You will have to check that you have a brand account setup for the Google+ profile.
This brand account can be linked to the YouTube channel. (see my article link below on creating google+ brands)
Next access the advanced account settings (https://www.youtube.com/account_advanced)
Select one of three options (link with a new Google+ page, an existing Google+ page owned or managed by your channels’ Google account or link with a Google+ profile).
If an account is already linked you will see a link “Move channel to your Google Account or a different Brand Account
This will show which Brand Account is connected to the YouTube Channel.

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